الجهاز الهضمي
المزيد من التفاصيل

المسالك البولية
المزيد من التفاصيل

طبيب قلب
المزيد من التفاصيل

أخصائي الغدد الصماء
المزيد من التفاصيل

طب الأسنان
المزيد من التفاصيل
لماذا تختار الطب؟

- جدولة المريض
- تجهيز المرضى
- تحضير الدم
- أدوية المرضى
- أخذ وتسجيل
- مساعدة الأطباء
- السجلات الإلكترونية
- تأمين المعلومات
- استعادة الاستبدال
- الستوما و سلس البول

نحن نأخذ الوقت الذي تحتاجه
أفضل عيادة بخبرة تزيد عن ١٥ عامًا

Digestive System
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Urologist Clinic
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Fast and professional
Why choose medical?

- Scheduling patient
- Preparing patients
- Preparing blood
- Patients medications
- Taking and recording
- Helping physicians
- Electronic records
- Information insurance
- Replacement recovery
- Ostomy and Continence

We take the time you need
Best clinic with over 15 years of experience
Call Us Now: 0090 (534) 930 0322
We are available 24/7 anywhere you want
Good communication
90Organizational and clerical
80Medical knowledge
95Customer service
87Experience and Reach
Ramo clinic reach experience with knowledge
Ramo Clinic was established by a team of doctors with more than fifteen years of experience, holding honorary certificates and licenses from the Turkish government and the Ministry of Health, in addition to being well versed in using the latest international technologies and keeping abreast of the latest research and developments in the field.

Experienced doctors in every specialty
Xtra Clinic doctors cover virtually every specialty and subspecialty.

Patient Online Services
Manage all of your appointments
Physicians, scientists and other medical experts dedicate their clinical time to this site, we are in unique position to give you access to the knowledge and experience of Medical.

Make an Appointment
Primary care appointments and some specialties

See what said our Patient and Visitors
Our goal is your complete health and wellness

"My experience at Ramo clinic was superior and well above medical treatment standards. The physicians, nurses and all staff successfully eradicated (my belly fat) with unbelievable care and compassion. Their attention to ensuring my well-being was exceptional."

"I have learned a lot from Ramo clinic about the how to deal with patients. I have never seen a more thoughtful and organized clinic who considers each patient as an individual. I am grateful to call ramo clinic."

"I would like to make it clear, that the good people of Ramo clinic, have a genuine World Class surgeons in their midst. I have known Ramo clinic for over 2 decades, and have seen and interacted with all the staffs at many occasions"

أطباء من ذوي الخبرة في كل تخصص

خدمات المريض عبر الإنترنت
إدارة جميع المواعيد الخاصة بك

إحجز موعد
مواعيد الرعاية الأولية وبعض التخصصات
انظر ماذا قال مريضنا وزوارنا
هدفنا هو صحتك وعافيتك الكاملة